Welcome to my life! A world where Chanel lipsticks, a photoshoot full of Jimmy Choo boxes, and the most amazing sparkles (my fans) are part of my every day life! Fashion runways, glamorized sets for magazine covers, and beautiful brides are the norm for me. Join me as I balance God, my family, my love life with my amazing hubby, Gianni (my chihuahua) and my love for fashion... while trying to spread love around the world one hot minute at a time! As always... Peace, Love, and Sparkles! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Join me on Facebook for daily beauty tips! Makeup by Paulina Perez

Thursday, July 27, 2017

I recieved the most delicious jimmy johns bacon lovers breakfast this past week and I'm so excited to share with my fellow moms! At first I was like, how good can this truly be in all of its prepackaged glory right? Let me tell you!!! It took all of 60 seconds and was delicious! I'm not saying this is going to replace every day fresh breakfast..... or am I? Lol!!! What I am saying is this is perfect for those busy mornings. You know what I'm talking about! The kids are dragging, you are dragging and the thought of making eggs and bacon just exhausts you! Boom this is our morning savior ladies!!! I hope you guys try it and let me know how you like it!
