I just had the opportunity to work with the amazing band NOVEMBER! I did the makeup for the video to their new single and it was a blast! I love when I get to fix guys up and their macho side leaves, and the sensitive side in them comes out. When you are doing their makeup you sit and listen to what they want to "conceal" and it makes you realize how lucky we are to be girls to be able to wake up every morning, put makeup on, and noone thinks anything of it! Poor guys have to go all day with "dark circles" thinning hair, ect. Guys don't get to wear a push up bra, concealer, or tease their hair for a little pick me up!
As always the guys were so amazing to work with and I have seen little pieces of the music video and can't wait to share the whole thing with you! It is really amazing and I feel so blessed to do what I do! I can't wait to have a wrap party and just hang out with them and have a "beer" and be one of the guys! (Hopefully there will be Skinny Margaritas at this wrap party! Those should be a requirement EVERYWHERE! lol) Peace, love and Sparkles!!!!
xoxoxo ~Paulina